Friday, November 30, 2007

Holiday Preorders

For all of you out there looking for holiday gifts for your workplace, family (or just a group of chocolate-loving friends), we've put together some great holiday collections that you can preorder for pickup or delivery. Have a look!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

End of the year = Peppermint

You can try to fight it, but there's just something about this time of year that leads to natural pairings of mint and chocolate. We've concocted a luscious combination of peppermint, dark chocolates and cocoa powder that's perfect for the cooler weather...come on in and have one today! (And don't forget to get that holiday chocolate shopping started :-)

Friday, November 16, 2007

No further comment required

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cacao wine?

There was some cool reporting today on the discovery of chemical and archaeological evidence expanding on our understanding of early precolumbian uses of cacao. Here's one article from the BBC, and another from the NY Times.

Interesting to contextualize the development of fermentation in we just have to figure out who was the mad genius to try roasting and eating those fermented, dried seeds ;-)

Friday, November 02, 2007

Best Brownie in the Bay

Here's the link to the piece that aired today. Just for the journalistic record, that's Seneca Klassen running through the recipe, not David Salowich (Bittersweet's chief merchant), as the text says onscreen at one point. Many thanks to all the bakers who make this happen on a daily basis, and here's to a lot more brownies in the future!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

We Won!

We're very happy to announce that Bliss Spa recently declared Bittersweet's brownie the best in the bay area through their You Be the Fudge contest.

Bittersweet's fabulous brownie (with recipe and tutorial, naturally) will be featured Friday, 11/2 on View from the Bay. We'll post a link to the video once it's up, and big thanks to all who voted!